Play the class you want to, without the pressure
Everybody loves comparisons, especially if they’re the ones who come out on top of it. It, however, is a double-edged sword, because there’s always someone better. Nothing shows that principle better than World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade’s class DPS rankings. Just when you thought your class reigns at the top, the next patch pushes you off and puts another class on the throne. No amount of WoW TBC gold can let any class stay at the top.
Nevertheless, many players still like comparing their classes and follow these rankings religiously. Yet, here are some reasons why ultimately, it doesn’t really matter whether your class is meta or not.
The Right Tool for the Job
While the current meta does rely on the current top-tier gear, it also depends on what strategies work on current raid bosses. Some bosses have melee combatants (whether tanks or not) to be meat shields while ranged DPS characters are more effective. Others have it the other way around. Sometimes, mages will be more effective than hunters, or vice versa.
This can and does have an effect on rankings. It’s not like a hammer can be used to remove a screw, or a drill can be used to fill a hole. Similarly, some classes won’t be able to perform at their best when boss mechanics don’t allow it. That will result in lowered DPS, even if they were doing well last time.
DPS Rankings Change All the Time
Besides the nature of the boss, there are also the available equipment and balance changes that can influence the meta. These are also necessary to keep the balance. Also, balance allows for a greater variety of party compositions and classes having their role, as mentioned above.
There will never be one single class that is OP enough to solo all content. Everybody would want to use that class and that makes the game somewhat like a single-player game. Nobody would want to team up with each other or need to. The game would become a glorified single-player experience.
That’s why variety and balance are important. Every class should have their roles to fulfill, and that’s how parties work. Anyway, new equipment gets added all the time, and it usually boosts a certain class’ DPS enough to shake up rankings.
Some players do everything they can to race to the top of rankings sparing no expense. They might even buy TBC gold just to speed up their grinding or leveling. Either that or they buy a TBC power leveling service, which is also sketchy, to say the least. Another method they can use to get the jump on others is to buy a WoW TBC account.
Not saying it’s wrong, per se, but sometimes going through the journey is the fun bit. They’re skipping over it for a fleeting moment of fame on rankings. It’s not going to stick anyway and they’ll move on to another character.
Being Meta Doesn’t Have Anything to Do with Having Fun
Of course, things are more fun when you can defeat foes with a few swings of your weapon. That’s why DPS characters are very popular. Having the rankings also helps. However, some players can end up thinking of the game as a chore or a race to the top rankings.
Sure, some players can find that fun for them, but not everyone does. Some are just content with the damage they do, or like healing their friends. One underappreciated role is tanking, which is an important role but not many like fulfilling.
At any rate, players have different preferences, so they enjoy different things. Even if they enjoy being a DPS, rankings and ratings shouldn’t be their focus. The game is there for you to enjoy, so you shouldn’t worry about rankings and whatnot. Those should just be icing on the fun cake and not the other way around.
While the rankings do have a purpose to see who’s contributing to the raid and who isn’t, it shouldn’t be the core of having fun. It can also be an indicator that you’re doing something wrong. This is just one aspect of the game. Many others can be enjoyed, so why focus on one?
Giving yourself the pressure to stay on top of the rankings can suck out the fun of the game. To climb up, you have to farm enough TBC Classic gold to get the best TBC items for your character. There’s also the practice and experience needed to figure out the best rotations and whatnot for the class. It’s hard work, and some don’t find that enjoyable so they get a Burning Crusade power leveling service. Otherwise, they might take the effort and get too burnt out to enjoy the rewards.
Anyway, in the end, what matters is how you want to have fun. The point is that it doesn’t have to be the only source of fun. The game offers more than raids to enjoy, so this shouldn’t be the end-all-be-all of the game. Play as a DPS because you want to, not because it’s the top DPS class.
Have fun playing WoW TBC Classic, but not at the expense of your mental health!
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