You are an amazing human being. You have a story that only you can tell and it’s up to you if you want to share it with others or not. But, let me tell you this; your perception of others is not exactly the same as theirs of you. So, even if they think less of you than what they should be thinking about themselves, it doesn’t matter at all!
Who cares what the haters think?
I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “haters gonna hate”. It means that there will always be people who don’t like you. They might have a reason to dislike you, but they don’t have to be right. You are who you are and that is all that matters. If someone doesn’t like it because of their own insecurities or personal issues, then so what? They should get over themselves!
Yeah, you are a Diamond in the Rough. You always have been!
Yeah, you are a Diamond in the Rough. You always have been!
As a child, you may not have realized this yet but as we grow up and meet more people and try different things, we realize how special we are. We know that there isn’t another person like us on this planet! And that’s what makes us so unique and beautiful inside and out.
We may experience some tough times along the way but it is through these times that we learn what our strengths are and how to use them to overcome whatever obstacles come our way.
So don’t let someone else’s perception of you hold you back from being who YOU want to be because after all…there isn’t another YOU on this planet!
You don’t owe anyone anything.
You don’t owe anyone anything. You don’t have to be what they want you to be, you don’t have to be what they need you to be and most importantly, you don’t have to do anything for them if it doesn’t feel right for YOU!
But when we try and live this way, it seems like our world falls apart. We become lonely. We start questioning ourselves over every little decision we make in life because “maybe I should do this or that instead”, because maybe then people will like me more?
Your flaws are perfect and your imperfections make you who you are.
It’s not your flaws that make up who you are as a person, it’s the imperfections. We all have them and we all have different ones. Some people may think that their flaws are ugly, others may think that they’re perfect because they make them who they are.
You can never be perfect, no matter how hard you try or how much effort you put into it but perfection isn’t what makes someone beautiful either! Flaws are what makes everything interesting and special about a person because everyone has a different type of flaws so everyone is unique in their own way!
Even if someone else doesn’t find your flaw to be beautiful or interesting anymore (which is highly unlikely), just remember that there will always be someone who does! And even if no one else thinks that your flaw is special or unique anymore, just remember that YOU do!!!*
No one else lived your life. No one! They don’t even know half of it.
You are the only one who has lived your life and no one else will ever know all of it. They don’t even know half of it! You have been through so much that others can never understand!
You have overcome obstacles other people can’t even imagine facing in their wildest dreams. You are uniquely qualified to judge yourself, but no one should be allowed to judge you or pass any kind of judgement on you because they don’t know what you have been through – and neither do they care about the hardships that brought up who are today!
If someone doesn’t like you, that’s ok: they don’t need to know why this person doesn’t like them (and really, they probably don’t care anyway). There is nothing wrong with being different and standing out from the crowd.
Others might not understand you because they don’t know what happened to you over the years that changed you the way it did.
You can’t expect others to understand you if they don’t know what happened to you.
The truth is, most people have no idea what you went through over the years that changed you the way it did. They might have experienced similar situations, but it’s not the same for everyone. You are the only one who knows exactly why your perception of things changed and how much it affected your life. The fact is, if someone has encountered a similar experience as yours in their life then they might be able to relate on some level with how difficult it was for them at first too but this doesn’t necessarily mean that anyone would be able to relate directly with how difficult being an introvert was for example because there are so many factors involved such as age differences or biological differences etcetera – which means even though we may all share some common experiences with each other sometimes those shared experiences don’t mean anything at all when comparing them directly against one another (elements such as genetics play a huge role here).
Be the real you and don’t mind others perception.
Stop trying to be someone else.
You are already awesome, beautiful and special. Stop trying to fit into the image of what others want you to be.
The only person who can make you feel good about yourself is yourself! You don’t need anyone’s approval to feel good about yourself.
So be the real you and don’t mind others perception of you because other’s perception of you doesn’t really matter !
The bottom line is, it’s your life and you can live it however you want. There are no rules, just guidelines. Most importantly, remember that if your happiness is not tied to the opinion of others then nothing else matters. You have to love yourself first before anyone else will love you back!
Founder & CEO
Payomatix Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
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