The importance of maintaining quality oral hygiene cannot be understated as it affects your everyday interaction; This is why it is essential to be particular or picky when choosing certain oral hygiene products such as toothpaste, floss, or mouthwash. For your overall dental health, the choice of products should be primarily influenced by their composition and recommendations from leading consultants like dentist Lafayette Indiana.
What to Look For in Toothpaste
When shopping for toothpaste, there are four main factors to consider, namely;
- Fluoride: Anyone looking to prevent tooth decay should always go for toothpaste with fluoride in it. However, it is not enough that there is a presence of fluoride but an appropriate concentration of between 1350 to 1500ppm of fluoride.
- Whitening: Another factor to consider when choosing toothpaste is the whitening ability of the paste. Unlike bleach, whitening toothpaste is more gentle on the gum.
- Tartar Control: If not taken care of on time, plaques can harden to form tartars. Thankfully, there is toothpaste designed to help prevent the buildup of tartar.
- Sensitive Teeth: If you are the type who suffers from tooth sensitivity, then you must be watchful of what kind of toothpaste you use. Ideally, it would be best to go for toothpaste containing potassium nitrate or strontium chloride.
What to Look For in Dental Floss
Dental floss is used in removing food particles that get stuck between your teeth, especially where your toothbrush cannot reach. It also reduces your chances of getting bad breath or gum disease.
There are two types of floss, namely waxed or non-waxed floss. People with space between their teeth will find that wax floss is more efficient. At the same time, a person that doesn’t have adequate space between their teeth would find non-waxed floss more efficient. The difference between a waxed and an unwaxed floss is that; while a wax floss is made up of nylon straps coated together with wax (with or without flavor). Unwaxed floss has no wax coating.
Aside from these two options, other options available are dental tape and floss picks. Dental tapes are used by people who have a large diastema or have recently undergone oral surgery for bridgework. Dental tapes are generally thicker and broader than your regular floss (either waxed or unwaxed).
Floss picks, on the other hand, are like regular floss. However, they are generally easier to use since they are not required to be wrapped around your finger. They are attached to a plastic tool which makes mobility around the teeth easier. They are usually used by injured people or people who have arthritis.
What to Look For in Mouthwash
A Mouthwash shouldn’t replace your toothpaste and brush; hence you should use them alongside your regular oral health products.
When shopping for mouthwash, several options are available to pick up from. We have popular brands like Listerine, Crest, ACT, Colgate, etc. These brands come with their unique ingredients, elements, and appeal; they are also used for various oral purposes and issues. So how do you pick the right one? Well, to do that, you first need to be able to identify the varieties of mouthwash available.
There are four common varieties, as discussed below.
- Natural mouthwash
This is a non-alcohol-based mouthwash that usually contains natural ingredients. You could make natural mouthwash at home with unique ingredients such as cloves, cinnamon, apples, cider vinegar, salt, peppermint, and so on. You can create a potent natural mouthwash using any of these ingredients or a combination of two or more. If you don’t want to go through the stress of making one yourself, you can go to the nearest supermarket and get one from the store.
- Fluoride Mouthwash
For this mouthwash, the primary ingredient is sodium fluoride. Fluoride is known for preventing and reversing the early onset of tooth decay. It will make your teeth stronger and resistant to the bacteria that causes Decay. One key feature of fluoride-based mouthwash is that it is easily absorbed into the enamel and can reduce cavities; it is also known to keep your mouth moist. Fluoride mouthwash is usually prescribed for patients with orthodontic braces to reduce decalcification and to people who have undergone extensive oral surgery such as crowding or bridgework to serve as additional protection to their teeth.
- Cosmetic Mouthwash
Cosmetic mouthwash has no germ-killing property as they lack any bacteria-fighting ingredient. However, it is suitable for keeping your breath fresh and flavored. Notably, cosmetic mouthwash is also referred to as therapeutic mouthwash.
- Antiseptic Mouthwash
This mouthwash is specifically designed to reduce the chances of an infection. Unlike the antibacterial products that target strictly bacterial, antiseptic mouthwash works against all kinds of microbes. Therefore, if you are dealing with an infection, bacteria, or halitosis, an antiseptic mouthwash would be the preferred option.
The primary way of guaranteeing that the choice you are making is the best for your dental health is by seeking professional recommendations.