Rising costs and failing health leave many seniors unable or unwilling to drive. As a result, many transportation management system have been put in place to help them get to appointments, do their shopping, and get to places such as libraries and movie theatres. These include a bus that takes monthly trips to an activity, medical transportation, and driving companies with individual drivers in a branded vehicle similar to a cab company.
Bus Trips for Seniors
Many senior centers and small communities have bus trips that take all the local seniors who want to go out for the day. They go to malls for shopping, grocery stores, curling, movies, and other activities. This allows for social interactions and for them to complete errands or have a day of fun. Some run regular trips to the library for new books each week, or even just for coffee or lunch as a way to get out of the house.
Only going to predetermined places and running on a set schedule can be a good day out but does not offer the flexibility of some other options.
Medical Transport
For medical appointments, there are medical transportation companies and seniors’ homes, and often public transportation. These will be larger vans with easy access and can make adaptations for those who use walkers or wheelchairs or have other mobility limitations. Many of these vehicles will lower to the curb to avoid tripping hazards, and some will include nurses or other trained people to assist in the transportation of seniors who need extra help. Most of these transports are equipped to facilitate the transportation of wheelchairs, electric scooters, or any of the other common transportation units that Australia’s leading mobility aids shop sells to the general public.
These range from regular buses for public transportation that are able to lower to the curb, up to and including fully staffed and stocked ambulances for follow-up from serious procedures or where complications are likely. Each must be booked in advance for a scheduled appointment and will have a departure time set to be on time to the appointment, then return to the senior home safely.
Personal Drivers
Companies such as Driving Miss Daisy will have contracted and hourly employees who will pick up seniors or those with disabilities and take them individually to appointments or run errands. They will also complete errands unaccompanied as needed, including picking up prescriptions from pharmacies and dropping them off at the home. Like a cab company, trips can be booked in advance, or you can call in the morning to schedule a pick-up and drop-off. They await with you while you are at your appointment or completing your errands and then return you home safely.
When choosing a transportation option that is the right fit for your senior, first determine the amount of care required, where they need to go, and whether it can be a group activity or a personal appointment. This will help determine which option will be the best suited to your needs. n