Toys, sweets, gadgets, amusement parks – all of these, of course, add joy to our children, but not the fact that it makes them happy. Another thing is the time spent with parents, the attention of beloved adults. In the hustle and bustle of the day and adults are maneuvering to the limit – sometimes it’s difficult for them to give up the seductive desire to lie on the couch in favor of spending time with the baby. And it’s these simple little things that give a child the most vivid moments, which he will definitely remember. In general, the simpler the better. And here are a few options.
Travel Together
Children usually remember trips and trips together well – moreover, these memories become heartwarming stories that they tell their children and grandchildren about.
It doesn’t matter where you go – what matters is who you go on your trip with and what kind of mood you are in. Children are great dreamers. They easily turn an hour-long train trip into a weeklong train ride or a hike on the eco-trail into an exciting adventure in Jurassic Park.
Where can you go? To a new urban location – a museum, an interesting art space. Out of town – closer to nature. In a nearby town. Or to another country – there are enough impressions to last for years.
By the way, a joint trip is also an opportunity for adults to switch from everyday routine, to look at their routine life from another angle, to breathe out, to pause.
Create Shared Experiences
Children often ask to read a book, play with dolls or cars, run around playing catch-up. Most of the time they’re perfectly capable of mastering a chapter of Harry Potter themselves, come up with 20 plans for the day for Barbie and run around the house from the heart. But they need your participation.
The easiest way to close this childhood need is to do something together that will form a shared experience. By the way, it’s a kind of tip for busy parents: you don’t have to get involved in children’s play – you can “integrate” the child into your current activity.
Look for Happiness in the Little Things
Actually, you don’t need much to be happy. As an adult, you can get more pleased thanks to a small win you have received after your first 22Bet casino login or a recently-released movie with your favorite actor. For kids, it’s the same.
For example, a child may be happy with a trivial choice of clothes for the garden or an extracurricular school event. Or the decision to do this instead of the other. Or an opportunity to choose those activities on the interests which are necessary for it, instead of parents. Freedom of choice is important for a child, and adults often turn it into an unknown luxury.
If there is a lot of understanding, if unconditional love is in the air, if you live in a supportive atmosphere, it’s happiness. Parents often get annoyed, try to “talk sense”, get upset, may even shout, put their hands down from helplessness. But all is not terrible, if they continue to support – not blame, not accuse, and instill hope that all can be coped with, that there are no intractable problems.
Make Yourself Happy
A parent who at the end of the day wants to howl, exhausted, exhausted by a huge pile of cases and a total lack of time for themselves, “not beneficial” to the child. After all, such a person easily breaks down or even slips into an abyss of depressive moods. The child needs another parent – full of strength, with bright eyes, with their own interests. So it’s vital for mom to meet up with friends or have breakfast alone in a favorite cafe on Saturdays. And dad needs to be distracted by shopping at the auto store or going fishing with co-workers. If parents are filled with a resource they can share with their children, they have the strength to support – and the child, and harmony in the family.