It may be somewhat tricky and a little foolhardy to put one’s faith in trends and patterns in terms of human tastes and needs when it comes to personal transport. What people want to drive, and why, is always a matter of convenience, cost, and culture (what’s cool or trending at the time.) There are, however, certain brands of vehicles that will arguably always be at the top of the list of those cars that most people want to drive at some point or stage in their lives.
Mercedes Benz
‘The Merc’ is one of those vehicles that has become a bit of an every day, every person’s car, and yet, it maintains its status as one of the trendiest luxury cars out there. It also puts out a ‘supercar’ in its AMG version, and as a matter of course, the Mercedes is the most well-known and most-bought luxury car in the marketplace at the moment. One of the main reasons for this has been the fact that they have made so many models or versions, and yet, maintained a level of quality and professional standards from the A to the G class. This brand is known around the world for luxury and always will be.
The Ferrari is another luxury end supercar that will always be ‘en vogue’ – the logo or badge is just too well known for this brand to ever slip into obscurity. The Prancing Horse has also been able to diversify in its production, and now make a range of vehicles available, and although not at the level of proliferation as those aforenoted, Ferrari is a brand that will hold its value better than most others out there.
Now, this is more of a sports and supercar, although it also brims with luxury and has become known for its new line of SUVs and more toned-down vehicles. The once tractor manufacturer is a car brand that has and will always shout, class, speed and value for a lot of money, yet still highly in demand. So, once you’ve said, ‘I’m going to sell my Lamborghini Diablo‘ and find the right platform or dealership, then you can be guaranteed a quick sale. It’s a brand in demand and will be for the long term.
The Ford Mustang has to be included here and is often referred to as the most popular sports car in America. It is also the most widely used sports car in America of those discussed herein. It was the Mustang that led the charge to make sports cars available to the masses, and perhaps also Mustang that was charged with lowering the luxury and upping the mechanics and speed. It is a car-lovers car and, as such, will remain as popular as it is for as long as we need vehicles to travel.
There can be a distinction made between luxury and supercars, but generally, all supercars are luxury, and yet, not all luxury cars will be supercars. The brands briefly mentioned here are not an exhaustive list of the cars that will always be in fashion, but are definitely toward the top of any such list.