From the Digital Revolution, the internet and social media have sculpted human perception of the perfect body. Through pop culture and pageants, this ideal had become reinforced to become the norm.
However, recent times have witnessed an increase in awareness about what’s desired vs what is healthy. It is much more important to focus on fat reduction than to focus on becoming skinny! All bodies are beautiful if they are healthy. Therefore, one must avail themselves of the correct type of care to achieve fitness.
With the pandemic looming over us, many Aussies have stepped up their fitness game. As of 2020, almost 1.7 million people engaged in some form of physical activity. The World Health Organisation suggests a minimum of 60 minutes of aerobic exercise every day to remain fit. At least 50% of Aussies go to the gym regularly, and New South Wales has emerged to be the city with the most gyms and fitness centres as of 2020!
Why is it necessary to remain fit?
In ancient civilisations, people naturally remained fit due to their dietary habits. Their diets consisted of proteins primarily, followed by good fats from natural sources like nuts. They had a digestive procedure that promoted proper chewing and mastication. Furthermore, most early people were hunter-gatherers or farmers, meaning they had a good amount of physical exertion.
With improving technology and amenities, our lifestyle habits and the general quality of life improved. This has rendered many change our diets to fit the pop culture and cause an early onset of sedentary routine. This has caused people to slip into a dangerous zone that might cause complications later on.
Remaining fit is essential as it helps prevent cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Furthermore, how one perceives their body largely influences their body image as well as self-esteem.
How to stay fit?
There are many steps that one can take to remain fit. One can alter the diet, workout or opt for other techniques that can help tailor a course to suit the individual’s needs and priorities:
- Diet: Reducing fat and staying fit is believed to be impossible to achieve without an extensive gym. However, food plays a pivotal role in managing how one’s body metabolises fats and carbohydrates into energy. The World Health Organisation suggests at least 8 – 10 cups of water per day that amounts to a minimum of 2 litres a day if one wishes to burn fat.
Not just this, but what we eat also plays a vital role in how our body processes the calories we burn. A diet rich in proteins like eggs and soybeans, adequate greens like spinach and kale with a healthy quantity of fats like milk help ensure a balanced diet to burn calories healthily.
- Fat Reduction Techniques: These are doctor verified techniques involving fat freezing to provide the client with the required body contour. These treatments are quick and painless as against the liposuction techniques that cause a lot of backlash to the body physically and metabolically. The procedures typically happen in several sittings, with one sitting reducing up to 25% of the fat. So the professionals ensure that the entire process is split over a healthy schedule.
- Exercise: Working out regularly is also an essential component of burning fat. Opting for a regular cardio input by running or sprinting helps metabolise periodically and healthily; furthermore, working out regularly helps boost an individual’s self-esteem and body image.