Pollen from trees, flowers, and grasses is the biggest allergy trigger in spring. According to the Better Health Channel, exposure to this outdoor allergen can cause asthma in some people. The symptoms include chest tightness or pain, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, wheezing, and coughing. To keep your family safe and healthy this allergy season, make sure to install an air purifier for allergies prevention in your house. You should follow these simple allergy-proofing tips too:
Vacuum once or twice a week.
Outdoor allergens can easily get trapped in carpets and rugs in your home. Make sure to focus on these areas when cleaning in spring. Vacuuming regularly keeps allergens low. The Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) recommends vacuuming your carpeted floors once or twice a week. It would be ideal to use allergy-friendly vacuums that prevent allergens from going back into the air.
Keep your bed and mattress clean and allergen-free.
Once pollen enters your home, it can settle anywhere, even in your bedroom. That is why you should make it a practice to replace your sheets, blankets, and pillowcases at least once a week. Dust mites are another spring allergen that you should watch out for. According to the Mayo Clinic, you should make it a practice to wash your beddings in water heated to at least 130 F (54 C). This will help get rid of dust mites that can cause mild to severe allergic reactions.
Close your doors and windows.
Make sure to keep your doors and windows closed, especially during the height of the allergy season. This will prevent outdoor allergens, like dust, dirt, and pollen, from entering your home. To maintain the fresh flow of air inside your home, make use of your home air conditioner. Additionally, do not forget to wash your windows both inside and out to remove dust and dirt that have accumulated on their sills and tracks during the previous season.
Maintain the good working condition of your AC.
Air conditioners play a very important role in keeping your home allergy-free throughout the spring season. Besides maintaining comfort inside your home during warm weather, your air conditioner also helps improve your indoor air quality. It traps allergens in the air as it enters your home, using its air filters. To maintain quality AC filtration, remember to clean your air filters regularly and replace them every 90 days.
Schedule a professional AC repair today
Has your AC obtained damages due to winter weather and debris? Even if your air conditioner is simply sitting in the corner during the long winter months, it does not mean it cannot suffer from wear and tear damage. Thus, before you get your cooling system back running again in spring, make sure to let the pros inspect and repair the appliance first. Early spring is the best time to schedule a professional AC repair and tune-up.
Before it gets hotter out there, make sure to book an appointment with your trusted HVAC company. You can get free consultations and estimates when you talk to the pros today. Call now!