Dental emergencies can result in intense pain, subjecting you to weeks of ordeal. Beyond toothache and suffering, these emergencies can bring your life to a grinding halt. Missed days at your workplace, inconvenience in taking your meals, or low self-esteem with talking: all these troubles come with emergent oral conditions.
Considering that dental issues can result in several ripple effects, it pays to have an emergency dental insurance policy in place. Insurers offer both individual and family dental insurance plans at affordable premiums. Typically, most of these policies cover emergency dental care.
In case severe pain strikes you in the middle of the night, or you end up with a bleeding gum or broken tooth at odd hours, you can always reach out to Teledentistry. This reputed platform accepts most dental insurance policies. So, rest assured that you won’t be shelling out hundreds of dollars for treatment from your pocket.
Which conditions should you consider as dental emergencies?
Dental or oral conditions that call for urgent medical attention come under the category of dental emergencies. Usually, you can wait for your regular dentist to visit the health clinic the next day in case of normal dental conditions. However, dental emergencies are so pressing that you cannot afford the luxury of this delay. These are unexpected dental conditions where you need immediate emergency dental service treatment.
To help you gain clarity, we have listed some common dental emergencies.
- Knocked off, broken, or chipped tooth leading to bleeding and extreme pain.
- Complete or partial dislodgement of a tooth
- Severe tooth pain resulting from infections or injuries
- Injuries in the tongue, cheek, gums, or lips leading to intense bleeding
- Loss of dental fillings or crowns, leading to damage or pain in your teeth
- Jaw injuries, resulting in a fracture of the dislocation of the jaw bone
Therefore, only serious and life-threatening conditions qualify as dental emergencies. When these health conditions strike, you must visit a dentist instantly or seek an online consultation at Teledentistry. Considering the high cost of dental treatment, having an insurance policy can save you financially.
How much do dental emergencies cost?
Dental emergencies can be expensive enough to hurt your wallet. Managing your funds can be challenging unless you have a dental insurance policy covering these treatments.
We have explained the tentative cost of some common dental emergencies to give you a better idea.
The cost of a simple dental extraction can range from $200 to $600. It depends on whether or not you go for anesthesia and the complexity of the extraction. So, consider how much you need to fork out if you have multiple teeth to extract.
Root canal treatments are common, and these involve significant expenses too. Performing the procedure on a front tooth can cost around $900. The same treatment for bicuspids and molars can range from $950 to $1,200. Under some conditions, you may have to pay around $1,800 for the treatment.
In the case of installing a dental crown, the material determines the treatment cost. For instance, porcelain crowns would come at costs ranging from $1,200 to $1,500. Metal crowns can cost you even more. To remain on the lower end, you may consider porcelain and metal crowns fused together.
Emergency dental insurance: An affordable and practical way to manage treatments
Now that we have discussed the urgency and expenses of dental emergencies, you would be wondering how to manage these unexpected expenses.
Having a dental insurance policy covering these emergencies is a practical way to manage the high treatment costs. Remember, your regular health insurance policy doesn’t cover your teeth. Therefore, you need to go for specially designed policies to get your teeth insured. Why drain your finances on dental treatment when you have affordable monthly plans?
A monthly individual emergency dental insurance policy can cost you $20 to $35. Depending on the coverage and benefits, you can go for a family plan at $50 to $150 a month. With proper precaution and planning, you need not strain your finances when a dental emergency knocks at the door.
What does dental insurance cover?
Let’s look at what a typical dental insurance policy covers.
- An inclusive policy should compensate you for routine check-ups, including dental X-rays and other tests.
- It should cover basic procedures like root canals, dental fillings, and simple extractions. Whether the policy covers 100% of these costs or less depends on your deductible.
- Look out for a policy covering major procedures like installing dental bridges, crowns, and dentures.
For more details, it’s best to contact your local providers to learn more about their specific coverage policies.
What are the benefits of having an emergency dental insurance policy?
Here are some reasons why you shouldn’t delay getting dental insurance.
1. Save valuable time
Does your dental insurance policy cover emergency procedures? Make sure it does, as this can save you valuable time. You won’t like waiting out the night for the dental clinics to open during office hours with a bleeding gum or broken tooth, right?
With platforms like Teledentistry assuring emergency dental care 24/7, having insurance coverage empowers you to seek treatment at any time.
2. Immediate pain relief
Dental issues can trouble you when you don’t expect them to. For instance, knocking off your front teeth after falling down the stairs is a common accident. With immediate medical attention, you can save your teeth.
One of the prime perks of having emergency dental insurance is the instant availability of medical treatment. This can relieve you of the pain fast and prevent corresponding conditions from developing.
3. Practical finance management
Well, we have already discussed the cost of dental emergencies. Doesn’t it make sense to have a counter strategy to deal with these unexpected financial expenses?
You won’t repent paying small monthly premiums, but paying $1,200 for a root canal surgery can burn a hole in your wallet. Besides, you would enjoy your peace of mind knowing that you already have adequate coverage for your teeth.
All in all, dental insurance is definitely worth getting depending on your situation. Considering the peace of mind and extended benefits you’d achieve by getting it, any individual concerned about their dental health should definitely look into emergency dental insurance to ensure they maintain their smile for decades to come.