Humans have made and continue to make tremendous progress in all aspects of life. These achievements are largely because of the human ability to organize societies by creating laws and institutions that enable orderly activity in the society. The other reason for these achievements are tied to scientific discoveries and inventions.
Today, the world is a digital village. Almost every activity that you can think of can now be carried out digitally. But beyond this, the internet has created an interconnectedness between various systems creating opportunities that did not exist before. This has enabled the creation of the blockchain system and the crypto network systems through which the PKT Cash system was created.
What Is The Blockchain?
To keep it simple, it can be said to be a database that stores data in blocks that are chained together hence the name blockchain. The advantage to this mode of storing data is that all information collected are linked sequentially in the order in which they came such that when one block gets filled up with data, it gets chained with the block before it in that order. This mode of storing data is what differentiates it from the other more traditional database. You can read more about it here.
What Is The Crypto Network?
The word crypto generally refers to cryptography. However, in this context, it refers to a complicated, digital cryptography setup that allows digital transactions to take place. These transactions take place in a decentralized format and the currency for the transactions that happen on this space is what is generally referred to as cryptocurrency.
This digital currency is mostly developed through a coding system through a process generally referred to as mining. It is also important to note that blockchain is the foundation on which cryptocurrency and all other crypto activities are upon.
What’s PKT Cash?
The basic thing to understand about it is that it is a blockchain with which anyone can become an ISP (internet service provider) and earn from it. It can also be described as a form of financial support for the alternative internet or a means to trade in it. It is very important to note that what is earned is of course earned in cryptocurrency. You can find out more about it at
How Does PKT Cash Work?
To earn in PKT cash, you would have to share your excess internet bandwidth. This can be quite a lucrative venture to be in because, though most emerging industries need high connectivity, they have to manage with a restricted bandwidth. This has the adverse effect of causing delays and ultimately affecting the effectiveness of their methods.
However, this doesn’t apply to individuals as their bandwidth needs are quite lower. The resultant effect of this is that many people do not ever use up their bandwidth. The result of this situation is that a lot of this bandwidth actually goes to waste therefore, in order to avoid this waste, users are urged to share this excess bandwidth and in return earn PKT cash. This becomes a way for the individual to earn some passive income.
Notice that the key thing here is that, unlike most other cryptocurrencies, you are selling not buying (although this is also because it is not yet listed). However, you have to work for it (this is referred to as “mining” or “mining for coins”) which is done in a unique way by selling your bandwidth.
You have to note however that this coin relies on a protocol known as the PacketCrypt protocol. It runs or works efficiently when miners work together.
Some Basic PKT Cash Facts You Must Know
There Is No Central Authority
A central authority here refers to having a regulating authority like the Central Bank, this is what is meant when it is said to be decentralized. This is because, it is created to run outside of the normal financial and regulatory channels. The basic advantage to this system is that it gives you the individual power to regulate your matters the best way that you deem fit.
However, you should note and know that not all digital assets are decentralized. Therefore, you should not make assumptions when about to make a digital investment rather, take a good look at any digital asset that you want to invest in before doing so.
It Is a Low Risk Investment
Firstly, the blockchain systems are very transparent in nature allowing you to be able to trace and follow up happenings in it that concern you. Again, since it is decentralized and not subject to any central authority, that means that it is not vulnerable to the things that happen to centralized trading systems like market crashes and so on. This system also discourages bad actors making it one of the lowest risk investments that you can make.
You Pay Less Fees
When about to sign up or join the traditional investments with stocks and all what nots, there is usually a long and intricate process to follow. In this process, your processing and transaction fees are done and they will always definitely cost you money. For some, you would even need an attorney to explain the process to you and all this takes time and money. But there is no need for such elaborate and cost inducing process for transactions with the PKT Cash.
Its Secure
One very important topic that no one talking of or making financial investment fails to ask about is security. This is to avoid a situation where all of one’s work goes to waste because of a breach in security. To this end, PKT network as a blockchain has got you covered because it is highly secured. As earlier explained, it is a network of encrypted data spanning many computers ensuring that hackers would have a hard time trying to hack it.
As earlier stated, the world is now very digital with all its systems. The financial systems are also not left out with the emergence of the cryptocurrency.
The PKT Cash network is one of such crypto systems that you need to know about. The opportunities that it comes with are too much to ignore.