If you’re a Microsoft Outlook user, what if suddenly some error occurs and you become unable to access your email account?
No sending or receiving of emails…..
Isn’t it terrible?
Yes! It’s not a nightmare. It has happened with many people and may also happen with you.
That is called [pii_email_32dbe586a362437df5b4] error.
Don’t worry, you’re going to explore some very easy hacks and solutions on how to fix [pii_email_32dbe586a362437df5b4] error code.
What is [pii_email_32dbe586a362437df5b4] Error?
[pii_email_32dbe586a362437df5b4] error may occur in any form but the result is the same that you become unable to access your outlook account that has your email accounts. There may be a popup window that requires an action to perform in order to access your outlook account. So, neither you can send nor receive any email from your outlook account.
Let’s explore some reasons why [pii_email_32dbe586a362437df5b4] error occurs.
Why Does [pii_email_32dbe586a362437df5b4] Error Occur?
There may be many reasons for this [pii_email_32dbe586a362437df5b4] error. Let’s discuss some main reasons that’re most common.
1. Using Multiple Email Accounts in Microsoft Outlook
[pii_email_32dbe586a362437df5b4] error may occur if you are using more than one email accounts in your Microsoft Outlook. The usage of multiple accounts may disturb each one’s settings and may result in [pii_email_32dbe586a362437df5b4] error.
2. Installation Problem
One of the major reasons for [pii_email_32dbe586a362437df5b4] error is the installation problem. If your Microsoft Outlook is not properly installed in your system, there are chances you will face this error.
3. Using More Than One Application for Email Accounts
If you have also installed any other apps for your email accounts along with Microsoft Outlook, this [pii_email_32dbe586a362437df5b4] error may occur. These apps may conflict with each other and as a result, may cause [pii_email_32dbe586a362437df5b4] error.
4. Not Using the Latest Version of Microsoft Outlook
If you are using an outdated version of Microsoft Outlook that is not regularly updated, this may also be a triggering factor for [pii_email_32dbe586a362437df5b4] error. Updates are very important to keep any application running smoothly. When Outlook is not updated regularly then some settings may be irrelevant and may cause this error.
5. Using A Pirated Versionof Microsoft Apps
If you’re using pirated version, the chances are high that you will face [pii_email_32dbe586a362437df5b4] error in the future soon or later.
These are some of the major reasonss that may cause [pii_email_32dbe586a362437df5b4] error in your Microsoft Outlook.
Let’s move towards some simple hacks to fix this [pii_email_32dbe586a362437df5b4] error.
How to Fix [pii_email_32dbe586a362437df5b4] error? Simple Hacks Only
Following are some of the easy hacks that you can apply to fix [pii_email_32dbe586a362437df5b4] error. If one trick is failed to fix Microsoft Outlook error then move to the next.
1. Log in to a Single Email Account:
If you’re using multiple email accounts in Microsoft Outlook, log out from all those accounts and just log in to a single account. This [pii_email_32dbe586a362437df5b4] error will be resolved. Then you log in to the other accounts one by one.
2. Use Web-Based Microsoft Outlook
For the time being, you can log in to your email accounts on web-based version of Microsoft Outlook. There’re chances that web-based version will not show any [pii_email_32dbe586a362437df5b4] error.
3. Clear Cache and Cookies
Clear cache and cookies files from your browser. This will leave only clean and relevant data in your system. After clearing cache and cookies, log in to your outlook account. Hopefully, [pii_email_32dbe586a362437df5b4] error will be fixed.
4. Uninstall Microsoft Outlook and Install the Latest Version
If you are not using the latedt version of Microsoft Outlook, the systems and settings may be outdated leaving your system incompatible.So, uninstalll your current Microsoft outlook and install the latest version and install all the updates.
5. Use Microsoft Auto Repair or Reset Tool
Microsoft apps have a built-in option of repairing the apps. This auto repair option may resolve [pii_email_32dbe586a362437df5b4] error. For using auto repair option, you may need to follow the following steps in Microsoft Windows 10:
- Open ‘Control Panel’ from ‘Settings’
- Go to ‘Apps’
- Select Microsoft Outlook App that’s named as ‘Mail and Calendar’.
- Click on ‘Mail and Calendar’ and you will see ‘Advanced options.
- Click on ‘Advanced Options’
- The second last option will be ‘Reset’
- Click on ‘Reset’. Outlook’s data (all your emails) will be deleted and it will be reset to zero level.
6. Use Original Application with Genuine Licence
If you’re using a pirated version of microsoft app, it’s much recommended to replace it with an original, genuine app. It may resolve [pii_email_32dbe586a362437df5b4] error.
7. Use Trouble Shooting Center
After trying the above-mentioned hacks, if [pii_email_32dbe586a362437df5b4] error is not resolved then you can ask help from ‘Trouble Shooting Center’. Trouble Shooting Center will search for Pii errors in the app and reolve the issue automatically. You may need to follow the following steps:
- From the “Start” icon on your windows or laptop, go to “Settings.”
- In the system settings, go to “Update and Security.”
- Then select “Troubleshoot.”
- Now you can guide your system to resolve the error.
8. Contact Microsoft Support System
After applying all the above-mentioned easy hacks, if the [pii_email_32dbe586a362437df5b4] error is still unresolved then you may contact Microsoft Support System. You may search “Microsoft Support” on Google or any other browser. Follow the instructions provided to fix this error.
Some Golden Tips to Avoid Microsoft Outlook [pii_email_32dbe586a362437df5b4] Error
If you have not faced Outlook [pii_email_32dbe586a362437df5b4] error till yet, you may follow the below-given golden tips to avoid this error in future.
- Don’t use more than one email accounts in Outlook as it may cause this [pii_email_32dbe586a362437df5b4] error.
- Regularly clean your browser by clearing the history, cookies, cache and junk files. It will keep your system clean with minimizing the chances of any virus or hackers attack.
- Be attentive to the regular updates from Microsoft. It’s always recommended to put on teh auto-update option. Otherwise, it becomes very difficult to manually check the updates from Microsoft and updateing your system.
- Try to use genuine application instead of pirated versions.
Final Verdict [pii_email_32dbe586a362437df5b4] Error
A number of people are searching how to fix [pii_email_32dbe586a362437df5b4] error in outlook. You have explored a lot about [pii_email_32dbe586a362437df5b4] error. If anytime you have to face this error, just apply the above-mentioned hacks and your issue will be resolved.