Beauty is not about how much makeup you wear. It’s about establishing a strong self-care routine physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Learning that makeup is not the genuine path to true beauty is a liberating experience! With only a few adjustments to your lifestyle and attitude, you will realize that natural beauty is inside you and not your makeup bag!
So, here are the essential tips on how to look pretty without makeup!
Get Active!
Rule number 1: Fall in love with fitness! And this isn’t a matter of whether you want to or not. Natural beauty and fitness go hand-in-hand.
Moving your body contributes to your overall health and appearance. For instance, your skin and complexion are optimized when you give your body the oxygen it deserves.
Exercise also produces endorphins – hormones that promote positivity. Without a positive attitude as a foundation to makeup liberation, your efforts will be in vain.
Pick a sport or exercise that you can commit to. This may take some trial and error, but don’t give up until you find an activity that you love. Practice 3 to 5 times a week. Always remember your motivation – to become a makeup-less beauty! This will help you on the days you feel less motivated.
Love Your Skin
This is often a challenge because our skin rarely does what we tell it to do. But do not fall into the trap of ignoring it for that reason.
Regardless of how your skin behaves, a natural beauty respects her skin no matter what! Find a skincare routine that suits you. Unless you have genuine dermatological issues, aim for natural products. A balanced diet and supplementing along with good rest and exercise will minimize any issue your skin may have. To avoid skin issues you can use Vitamin C Serum.
If you like to remove your hair you should also consider laser treatments, so that you do not irritate your skin by constantly shaving.
Guard Your Crown
Your hair is your crown! How you wear it contributes largely to your self-esteem.
When it comes to natural beauty, health always trumps variety. In other words, avoid vibrant dyes and styles that damage your hair excessively.
Dedicate yourself to treatments that promote the growth and strength of your hair. Natural and oil-based products are the way to go. Stay clear from products like dry shampoo. Your crown deserves better!
Aim for hairstyles that preserve your hair over longer periods of time, but pick a style that promotes a self-image you are proud of.
Open Your Eyes
As the old saying goes, “The eyes are the window to the soul”.
When we interact with others, there is a whole drama going on with our eyes that we might not even be aware of. Take care of them, they are communicating things you might not want to share.
Naturally beautiful people aim to make their eyes shine – no matter the shape or color.
Get sufficient sleep to ensure that fatigue is not dulling their vibrance. Supplement well and make sure that you are not deficient in nutrients like iron or B vitamins. These deficiencies could present themselves as dark rings that shroud the brilliance of your eyes.
Advertise Your Smile
When it comes to beauty, your mouth is probably one of the most underrated parts of your body. Think about it! It’s the part of the body that is essential for expression; we talk with it, we eat and drink with it, we kiss with it. Not only that, your smile – like your eyes – speaks a language of its own in social settings.
Avoid chapped lips at all costs! Keep chapstick or lipgloss wherever you go. Pay attention to the health of your teeth and gums. Dental hygiene and care go way deeper than cosmetic concerns! For more information on dental treatment check out Invisalign discount deals.
If you need help choosing a solid dental insurance or want to learn more about what Invisalign can do for your smile, be sure to do plenty of online research!
Check out other cosmetic procedures if you’re interested to get a basic cleaning or get your crown fitted by the dentist in West hollywood CA.
One Last Thought on How to Look Pretty Without Makeup
The greatest of the beauty tips on how to look pretty without makeup is; be unique! From the close you wear to the style of your hair, do whatever you do with unshakable confidence.
There is only one you, don’t be afraid of that fact – embrace it! This will ensure that habit and treatment are for your well-being and not for the sake of others!
If you want more useful tips on how to look pretty and feel amazing please continue browsing our site.