Several states have legalized marijuana over the past 10 years. Now that marijuana’s legalized, people are flocking to the dispensaries.
Have you ever tried marijuana? If you have never tried it, now is the perfect time to try it. You may be wondering how to experiment with it.
Read this guide to learn how to experiment with marijuana safely.
How It Works in the Body
If you’re going to try marijuana for the first time, you must know how it works in the body. You can shop marijuana pipes for getting better experience. Each product has a different effect on the body. The way you ingest the cannabis plant will determine how your body processes THC.
THC is the compound that produces the high. How you ingest it affects how long it takes to ‘kick in’. It also affects the intensity of the high.
If you choose to smoke or vape it, the THC will be absorbed through the lungs. From there, the THC goes to the bloodstream. With this route, you’ll feel the effects in less than 10 minutes.
The liver breaks down the THC. This process allows it to enter the bloodstream. It can take anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours to experience the full benefits.
Other Factors That Play a Role in Its Effects
Other factors determine how marijuana affects the body. If you mix marijuana with other drugs or alcohol, the effects will vary.
Weight also plays a role. A person who weighs 100 lbs. on an empty stomach may feel the effects of edibles faster than a person who weighs more and ate a big meal.
Metabolism determines how fast edibles are absorbed. The same goes with prior experience. People who know how to use marijuana tend to know about tolerance.
Start Low and Slow
The effects of edibles may not start to wear off for eight hours. A liquid marijuana drink can produce the same effect.
As a first-time user, make sure you clear your schedule the day you plan to try marijuana. Don’t plan to drive as its effects can affect your driving skills. Pick a comfortable place at home and stay there.
The last thing you want is to have a bad experience the first time you try edibles. If you don’t feel anything right away, give it some time. Remember it can take at least 30 minutes to start feeling the effects.
Don’t overdo it if you’re planning to use medical marijuana – be patient. You can experiment with it until you get it right.
The rule of thumb is to wait at least two hours before ingesting more edibles. It’s even better if you wait one day to retry.
Are you ready to experiment? Click the link to find out where to get weed in the Washington D. C. area.
Marijuana’s Legalized Now
Now is the perfect time to experiment with marijuana. Because marijuana’s legalized in many states, dispensaries are selling all kinds of products.
The effects of marijuana depend on how you ingest it. Remember to start with low doses and go slow.
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