Climate change is one of the most important issues facing society today, and it’s vital that we all do our part to help the planet. You’re probably already well aware of steps we can take when we leave the house, such as always using tote bags and reusable water bottles or coffee cups – but what about inside our homes? The good news is that there are simple steps we can take to make our houses more environmentally friendly. Interested in going green at home? Read on for some top tips to get you inspired.
Fix issues with drafts
If you own your property rather than rent, one of the first actions you can take is to focus on structural issues. A drafty, leaky house will require much more energy to keep heat, so sorting out these problems can save you money and reduce your carbon footprint. Cheap products such as keyhole covers and draft excluders can help, although if you have bigger issues such as damage to your roof, you’ll need to do a quick online search for ‘roofing repair near me’ and get those handled by the professionals.
Boost the insulation
Even if you don’t have any actual problems with your property, improvements can still be made to the building. Adding insulation can be a very effective way to cut the costs of heating and also make your house more environmentally friendly. Wall, attic, and basement insulation are all worth considering, especially if you live in a colder climate.
Opt for energy-efficient appliances
It’s not only the physical property that you should think about. It’s also what you choose to fill your home with. When you next purchase an appliance such as a TV, washing machine, or dishwasher, be sure to go for the most energy-efficient model you can. Not only are they better for the planet, but they’re also cheaper to run. Keep up the good work by using your appliances in an eco-friendly way, for example:
- Unplug or turn appliances off at the wall when you’re not using them
- Run dishwashers and washing machines on eco mode if possible
- Only use the dishwasher and washing machine when you have a full load of dishes or laundry
- Use the eco flush on your toilet, or add a device to the cistern that reduces the amount of water used per flush
- Fit a low-flow showerhead to reduce the amount of water you use without a drop in pressure
Up your recycling
Make an effort to recycle as much of your household waste as possible. Every area has slightly different rules for what you can and can’t recycle, so check the guidance in your neighborhood and do your best. Donating unwanted goods to charity rather than throwing them in the bin can also be a big help. Similarly, try purchasing products such as books and clothes second-hand where you can. Another top tip is to have a go at mending items when they break rather than immediately buying something new. You can pick up lots of skills online to help you out!