Did you know that there are different grooming tools designed for different dog breeds? And, grooming is not only limited to shampooing your dog or de-shedding them every month. Yes, having a dog comes with a number of responsibilities, but it’s all worth it, especially if you have the right grooming tool right by your side.
Grooming tools can be perfect for eliminating excessive matting, tangles, dirt or unwanted objects from your pet’s coat. But, grooming tools are present abundantly in the market. And, how do you know if a tool is right for your pet?
This article will help you select the right tool. Here’s everything you need to know about choosing the right grooming tool for pets.
The Five Basic Grooming Tools
From organic shampoos to fruity mists, you can find almost everything in the booming pet industry. But, you must note that grooming tools differ from breed to breed. And, while these tools come in various sizes, shapes and functionalities, here are the five must-have tools you should have at all times.
Though dog brushes come in a number of sizes and shapes, the primary goal has always been removing dirt, debris or loose hair from your pet’s coat. When it comes to sizes, you should choose a brush that matches your dog’s fur type.
Like humans, pets also need to get their fur combed often. You can choose anything from metal combs to nylon-bristled combs to ensure that the fur is free from tangles or matted hairs.
Available in both curved and straight forms, scissors can be a perfect option for grooming your pet’s tail or ears.
Clippers are perfect for shaving your pet’s hair. You can purchase clippers in both types: manual or electric.
If you don’t want to shave your pet altogether, you can use a trimmer to trim the fur or remove excessive hair from the eyes, tail, belly or nose.
How To Choose The Right Tool?
When it comes to choosing a grooming tool, there are three things you must consider.
You must keep the size of your pet in mind before you shop for a grooming tool. Naturally, a small-sized tool would go perfect for a small breed but might pose some challenges to grooming a big breed, like a german shepherd.
You must also consider the shape of the tool. If you have a big breed, it is often recommended to go for a tool with a curved finish for a better reach. However, in case you have a small dog, a tool with a straight finish is usually preferred.
This factor is the most important of all. If your dog suffers from some skin allergy or simply has sensitive skin, it is recemmonded to go for tools that won’t be too harsh on the skin. For instance, you can go for brushes with nylon bristles or rubber nubs to avoid scratching sensitive skin. Here’s another fact: a metal tool would last longer but would be harder to use, whereas a plastic tool would be easier to use but won’t last long.
6 Grooming Tips To Pamper Your Pets
There are a number of grooming tips you can adopt to make your beloved poochie feel special. However, here are our 6 personal favorites.
- Brush the coat daily to remove dirt or unwanted objects.
- Use a metal or plastic comb to remove mattes.
- Trim the coat regularly, especially during humid weather.
- Clip the nails regularly.
- Clean the ears regularly to avoid infection or smell.
- Brush your pet’s teeth regularly to prevent tartar or decay.
- Don’t stray away from CBD pet treats for better health.
Summing Up
Grooming is important, not only to ensure your pet looks and feels the best but also to prevent any infection or diseases. However, make sure to choose the right tool and don’t go too harsh on their skin, especially if the tool has metal bristles/parts.