The field of biotechnology is a vast field where broad research and professional grounds are quite huge. However, biotechnology is likely to span in various industries such as; medical and agricultural. Meanwhile, many of the practitioners prefer dividing areas of biotechnology on the basis of colours. For instance, blue biotechnology indicates the study of marine life and its essential compounds whereas while biotechnology is known for the applications of the industry.
However, on the same side, many other subfields have also emerged and now growing as advancing studies. It has been found that the field is opening many of its explorations and growth opportunities. Along with this, career opportunities are also being provided vastly by life sciences consulting. This counts on the positions in the research and development department, quality assurance management, the policymaking process, and regulatory affairs.
But wait, before you jump into the bandwagon, you should look at completing different stages from where you can kick-start your career in the field of biotechnology. Though, being a learner you could have diverse opportunities to acquire a similar objective but, subsequent phases highlight more traditional approaches that help in boosting a career in biotechnology.
Step#1- Complete Bachelor’s First
However, the degree in Bachelor’s specifically for the field of Biotechnology offers the ideal base for a career within the field. Though the degree of undergraduate in a related field of science such as; chemistry or physics also works perfectly. So, for this, select the degree that offers both; instructions of classrooms and this also offer many learning experiences. Moreover, to achieve success as being a professional biotechnologist, one should look at both; experiential learning and diverse learning.
Step#2- Go for an Internship Opportunity
Many of the undergraduates of biotechnology or either learner of applied sciences are suggested to complete their internship first. Specifically, students who are enrolled within the program of biotechnology and on the online program can stereotypically meet this requirement precisely on sites that are approved within the areas of geography. Although, an internship works on making you familiar with the type of work and job roles of biotechnologists. On the whole, doing an internship can also help you in getting your hands on the efficiency of work and knowing the environment of biotechnologist consulting firms.
Step#3- Acquire Master’s Degree too
Doing a master’s in the field of biotechnology can offer you a chance to focus on the specifications of the subfield such as, in process sciences, manufacturing and quality operations, and also in pharmaceutical technologies. Though the degree of master’s demands an important investment of time and as well as of money. Whereas, plenty of universities are likely to manage programs specifically for the federal government that is reserved for STEM students.
Step#4- Discover a Biotechnologist Position
There are many graduate programs in the field of biotechnology that counts on the factors of the internship. While the interns who work well throughout their internship program and perform well in their academic record, likely to get approached and hired by professional firms. On top of that, conferences and experts of different companies also offer wide networking opportunities that can work best in your job search. While there are plenty of labs too that also offer a job in local and in federal governments and also within the international environmental companies.
The aforementioned steps are necessary to be covered in action to become expert Biotechnologists. However, the field is likely to offer many growth opportunities to professionals who know how to take utmost advantage of the offerings of the field.