An independent CBD study by a student and his fellow students from economics, biochemistry, social science and psychology examined how the use of cannabidiol (CBD) could affect patients suffering from an anxiety disorder.
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But first, let’s find out about CBD and anxiety …
A CBD study
The aim was to prove whether the patients in question could be helped by taking cannabidiol regularly. One focus is on the treatment of so-called “social phobia”.
With this type of pathological fear, the sufferers fear that other people will perceive them as “strange”. Depending on the severity of the disease, this results in a more or less significant limitation in everyday life. In Germany, around seven to 12 per cent of people are affected by a social anxiety disorder. Currently, this form of anxiety disorder is treated either with the help of medication (often based on thymoleptics) or with the use of psychotherapy.
Various studies have shown that CBD can probably positively influence the development of a social phobia. Countless people have given cannabidiol (CBD) containing products a try here in the past. Industry sales are increasing. The interest grows. It’s all about a placebo effect, isn’t it? Curing or reducing an anxiety disorder at all, how can cannabidiol (CBD) help?
The scope of the results of the CBD study
The study showed that it is realistic that the constant intake of cannabidiol (CBD), even on a relatively small amount basis, can help combat an anxiety disorder in the form of social phobia. Nevertheless, it should also be kept in mind that the test participants themselves consumed the cannabidiol (CBD) oil in their familiar environment. The consumption could therefore not be precisely controlled.
It can be assumed that an overarching placebo effect can be ruled out since, nonetheless, there was no improvement in the anxiety disorder under therapy with rapeseed oil.
However, a larger group of test candidates would be needed to ultimately make the study even more meaningful, among other things. Based on the analysis, it can still be proven, and not excellently and scientifically, that cannabidiol (CBD) oil is an optimally effective remedy for anxiety disorders. Further, more comprehensive studies would have to be carried out here.
A look behind the “scenes” – what is CBD anyway?
When it comes to “CBD”, many people undoubtedly think of cannabis and thus – at least in Germany – as an illegal substance. BUT: Cannabidiol (CBD), therefore cannabinoid, is NOT psychoactive, unlike cannabis, which contains more than eighty different chemicals.
So the test candidates of the study benefited from its anxiolytic effect, which was also examined in studies by other scientists.
The result of the CBD study
After a study period of thirty days, it was shown that the anxiety scores of the participants who had consumed CBD improved in 17 out of nineteen cases and by an average of 32 per cent.
More specifically, the average anxiety scores here were 4.1 before the start of the study (using a scale from 1 (no discomfort) to 5 (extremely uncomfortable)) and 3.2 after that. Thus, the perceived anxiety symptoms were reduced by taking the CBD. In contrast, taking the placebo showed no significant effect.
Accordingly, the study suggests that taking CBD in an appropriate dosage could be sensible and advisable in the case of an existing social phobia.
This also applies to the excellent tolerability during the implementation of the study. Only one subject suffered from fatigue for a short period. In addition, the CBD oil was perfectly tolerated by the test participants.
During the study of cannabidiol (50 mg/day), the dosage was kept comparatively low. Usually, 300 to 600 mg a day is often given.
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