Back in the 1980s computers were starting to enter the workplace, and because of this quick growth in technology, there was an obligation to acknowledge and support it as it was essential to business strategies. This is when the enterprise architecture came to be. Nowadays, this framework is scaled out to the whole business and not only Information Technology (IT). This makes sure that the entire business is aligned with the growth of technology and digital transformations.
What is enterprise architecture?
The process of enterprise architecture is basically when organizations organize and assimilate the framework of IT in order for it to align with its business goals. It requires the implementation of planning, analyzing, designing, and finally successfully carrying out business strategies by executing an enterprise analysis. Enterprise architecture is a very holistic approach when it comes to carrying out business strategies and business change.
Enterprise architecture objectives
There are many objectives to enterprise architecture, but the main goal is to create a way for the business to improve the efficiency of work, the punctuality, teamwork, strengthening of different departments, and the reliability of the information in the business.
The way enterprise architecture optimizes the process of working in a business is by assessing how the different departments work, both separately and together. By analyzing this, the business can find out the areas that need a bit of help in order for their work to be done more efficiently. This assessment can also help to see how the teamwork operates between the departments and if it needs repairing. A successful business needs departments and employees to work together properly, if the way of teamwork is flawed that will show in the overall work performance.
Enterprise architecture assists in finding out a way to have business, information, and technology align together in an approach that is specific to the organization’s needs.
Tools and software for enterprise architecture
An enterprise architect requires a tool that allows them to keep track of everything that needs analyzing in the organization. There are basic tools that can do this such as Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint. However, those are the more basic tools used, and there are much better third-party tools in the market that allow a more advanced enterprise architecture strategy to be created. An enterprise architecture tool like BiZZdesign is currently a very popular option in the market.