Developing a strategy to improve your advertising and boost your sales can be difficult, but there are many ways to do it. Whether you’re an advertising pro or you’re just starting out, there are many ways for you to increase your sales with just a few changes to your strategy.
Define Your Customer
In both marketing and advertising, it’s incredibly important to know your customer. This is the first step in determining how you should advertise to them. For example, you wouldn’t advertise to an 18-year-old girl the same way that you would advertise to a 60-year-old man. You have to think about the differences in different age groups, social classes, and more, in order to advertise to them effectively.
Some questions you should ask to define your customer include:
- How old are they?
- What generation are they a part of?
- What is their gender?
- Do they have any children?
- If they have children, how old are their children?
- How much money do they make?
- Do they have an education?
- What is their highest level of education?
- Are they in a relationship?
Asking these questions helps to define who you want to advertise toward. If you’re selling wedding rings, you’ll probably want to advertise to females that are in committed relationships around the age of 30. Of course, this is not the only target demographic, but it’s likely the largest group of people interested in your product.
Defining your target demographic helps you show your product or service to the correct group of people: the group of people that are most likely to purchase. If you have the incorrect target demographic, you won’t make the most sales.
What Makes You Special?
The second thing you need to know before beginning to develop your main advertising strategy is this: what makes you special? When you sell a product or a service, you’re selling a solution. You’re selling something that other people need in their lives to fix a specific problem that they’re having. This is true of all products and services, so it’s important to figure out early what solution you’re solving like Taco Food Truck.
This is usually fairly easy. You’ve developed a product, so you should know what problem it solves. For example, if you’re selling sponges, the problem would be messy countertops. Whatever your problem and solution are, you should lean into it for advertising and marketing purposes. Boast about how your product will solve this problem that your potential customers or clients are having.
You can then develop ideas for your advertisements based on this concept. This is a great way to come up with sign ideas, slogans, commercials, and more. Get creative in your ideas and make sure to target the correct demographics.
Pick the Right Place to Advertise
When you have your concepts in place, it’s time to pick the right place to advertise. There are so many different options for you, including outdoor/indoor advertisements and online advertisements. They both have their pros and cons, so let’s dive into both to help determine which may be the better option for you.
In-Person Advertising
In-person advertising refers to any ads that you see in the real world, not online. This includes billboards, signs, lamp post banners, bus ads, bench ads, and more. These ads are useful, as people will see them when walking around or driving through town. They’ll be a constant reminder of your business.
These types of ads grab the attention of a person who is looking for something right this second. Say a tourist is driving through Chicago, looking for a place to stop for breakfast. They see a sign that advertises a great breakfast place just a few minutes away. They’re driving, so they can’t look on their phone for a place, making signs and billboards the best way to get through to them.
Online Advertising
Online advertising is the best way to get through to people who are planning in advance, people who are looking for a place to go before leaving their house. Using Google My Business is a great way to get your store or restaurant on the map, allowing people to search for it and learn about it before making a choice.
Online advertising is also a great way for online-only brands to reach out to more customers.
And the Right Method
If you’re looking for a way to advertise in Chicago, Chicago billboards are a guaranteed way to increase your sales. With the traffic in Chicago, thousands and thousands of people will see your advertisements each and every day, driving more customers into your business (whether it’s online or in-person).