A wallet is one of those everyday use items that frequently gets beat up. If you don’t take good care of it, or if you just use it excessively, it’s going to start showing signs of age. Is there any way to make a wallet last a lifetime?
The Short Answer
Here’s the short answer: no. Your wallet probably isn’t going to last a full lifetime. That’s simply because nothing lasts forever.
Obviously, there are going to be some exceptions to this. If you never use your wallet, and instead, you keep it in a pristine glass case under perfect conditions, then yes, you could probably help your wallet last for hundreds of years. But if you’re going to be carrying and using your wallet regularly, like most normal people, there’s going to be a limit to how much you can truly use it.
Now for the good news. Even though wallets can’t last a lifetime, they can usually last for decades with the right choices and proper care.
Variables That Influence Wallet Lifetime
The calculus dictating a wallet’s lifetime is somewhat complicated, and dependent on many different variables. Let’s take a look at these variables and see how you can influence them.
- Material choice. Leather is arguably the best choice for a wallet, though every material choice has something to offer. Leather is a flexible material, meaning you won’t have to make any compromises in functionality. It’s also incredibly tough and durable, capable of withstanding abuse that most other materials can’t. Another option for your wallet is metal, which is even more durable than leather, but it’s also not very flexible and is prone to rusting. You could also choose a plastic or vinyl wallet, which is considerably cheaper, but these types of wallets rarely last long.
- Color.Color doesn’t influence metal or plastic wallets much, but with leather, it could make a big difference. Colored leather tends to fade and deteriorate over time, while natural leather colors tend to remain in good condition longer.
- Manufacturing method.Many wallets are mass manufactured. While this is excellent for reducing the price of the finished product, it often results in products that are inferior to handmade counterparts. Wallets made by hand are often the work of a very skilled craftsman who pays close attention to detail. Purchasing handmade wallets increases the likelihood that your wallet will be made with the intention of living a long life.
- Profile.Bigger wallets have a few advantages. Most notably, they can carry more stuff. But this isn’t necessarily a good thing. Choosing a slimmer wallet somewhat limits the amount of things you can carry, but it also allows for a slimmer profile that’s less prone to damage.
- Organization.The whole point of a wallet is to keep your important carried items organized, but as most wallet owners can tell you, this becomes an exercise in futility quite quickly. Over time, many wallets become stuffed with unnecessary materials, putting extra pressure on the wallet and thickening it so it takes more damage. It’s much better to keep your wallet as minimalistically organized as possible, only carrying what you truly need. Make it a point to clean out your wallet regularly, and it will last much longer.
- Use.How you use your wallet also matters. Is it something you carry every day and pull out on a regular basis? Or do you only take it out once a week when you leave the house for groceries? Your wallet is an item of necessity, but the less you use it, the less damage it’s going to take, and the longer it’s going to last.
- Storage. Storing your wallet when you’re not using it is also important to consider. If you keep it out of the sun, in conditions that are neither too moist nor too dry, it’s going to last longer.
- Care.There are also some care strategies you can use to extend the lifespan of your wallet. For example, occasionally conditioning your leather wallet can help it look its best and maximize its longevity. It’s also important to address spills and stains as soon as possible.
Setting Yourself Up for Success
If you want to get the most life out of your wallet, do the following:
- Choose a leather, handmade wallet.
- Keep it slim and organized.
- Provide adequate care, including cleaning, conditioning, and proper storage.
With these strategies, you may not be able to get your wallet to last forever, but you can make it last for decades – and many years longer than it otherwise would. Depending on how old you are, and how well you take care of your wallets, you may only need to buy one or two more to last the rest of your life.