Even if all the cars you had can easily make up a car fleet, the first car will still be the most memorable. This moment can only be compared to the first kiss or the first win at https://tonybet.com/en/live-casino/poker. After getting a driver’s license, every driver immediately faces an exciting choice – he/she has to figure out the many nuances to understand which car is best to buy for a new driver.
We share our experience and answer the most important questions about how to find the best option for your first car.
New Car or Used?
By this criterion, the new car undoubtedly wins. It is covered by the warranty of an official dealer, which means that for several years you will not have to think about operational issues. You only need to drive the vehicle carefully and in time to undergo maintenance. Such cars are in perfect technical condition, which is important for a beginner who does not yet have the necessary experience and knowledge to perform the simplest operations on their own.
A used option is relevant in a situation where your budget is severely limited. But this does not mean that you cannot choose a good used car – for example, with minimal mileage. In such a case, it is better to enlist the support of an experienced “car mate”, who will easily identify technical problems and twisted indicators.
A Sedan, a Station Wagon, or a Hatchback?
The most popular variant for beginning drivers is a compact and maneuverable hatchback. It is easy to move around the city by such a car, and it is rather simple to “feel” its dimensions.
Sedans are not less demanded models. Another great solution – a compact crossover: its dimensions are not much more than hatchbacks, but the landing is higher and the visibility is better.
The situation is more complicated with station wagons, mid-size crossovers, and SUVs. But this does not mean that a beginner will not be able to master these vehicles – it is simply a matter of practice. The station wagon will come in handy if you have to carry a lot of passengers, and in a crossover or SUV, like Mazda CX 3 Perth, the driver feels most protected, which is important for a beginner.
Powerful or Not So Powerful?
Experts advise staying with the medium-power versions. Dynamic and frisky cars make it easier to overtake, which is quite dangerous for a novice motorist. A “golden mean” – the cars with average capacity motors do not start sharply from a place and do not give an opportunity to develop excessive speed, that is you will not be able to oscillate. It is logical because the main goal of a beginner is to get used to the road but not to impress with his stuntman skill. The experts recognize power of 130-150 hp as “golden mean”.
Automatic or Manual Gearbox
The automatic transmission is the optimum decision for the beginning driver. Transmission rebuilders suggest that such transmissions is simpler and more convenient: it provides only two pedals – you will not get confused. In addition, automatic transmissions are better adapted to the “jerky” mode of driving in the city, when you often have to stop at traffic lights. According to the statistics, cars with automatics are more reliable – they become participants in accidents less often.
However, there is a downside. If you need to switch from automatic to a mechanic, you will have to get used to a more complex mechanism. Also, cars with manual transmission are more economical in fuel consumption (consumption is 15% lower) and are characterized by a cheaper cost of maintenance.
Gasoline or Diesel or Electricity?
If you have decided on the power, the fuel does not matter much – both gasoline and diesel units have a number of advantages. For example, the gasoline unit warms up faster in the cold season, and diesel units are considered more economical.
Manufacturers also offer hybrid cars, which in our country are still quite expensive. Do not forget about the possibility of recharging the eco-friendly motor – you can do it not at every gas station.
Expensive or Cheap?
When choosing a car, think about its liquidity – you will probably want to switch vehicles in a couple of years. The owners of initially expensive cars suffer the most losses – such cars become 10%-20% cheaper right after they leave the dealership. Smaller price fluctuations are observed in cars of popular classes A and B in initial configurations.
However, we should consider that the maintenance of expensive vehicles is not cheap. In addition, a beginner will have to get acquainted with various functions and take care of the protection against theft.
Most experts agree that it is more important for the beginner driver that the vehicle is reliable, easy to operate, and inexpensive to maintain. Of course, whether the first car will be expensive is up to you to decide!