Keeping your house sparkling clean is often challenging. While you endeavor to do house chores almost every day, it’s nearly impossible to clean every inch of every room in the house. However, once you decide to thoroughly clean your house, it’s helpful to follow some useful tips to ensure that you do a superb job. For more on proven tips to keep your house clean, browse this site.Once you decide to put in the time to get rid of dirt and grime from your house completely, it helps to follow these tips.
1) Use Lemon Water for Your Microwave
Getting rid of food spills and other particles from your microwave can be simple. Get a tumbler of water and add in some lemon juice. A slice of an average-sized lemon should do the trick. Heat the water in the microwave for about a minute. As the water evaporates, the steam should loosen all the grime, making it easier to wipe off all the dirt and stains.
2) Easy Garbage Holder-Upper
If you’re like most people, you have trouble keeping your garbage bag in an upright position when it’s in the bin. The solution is to remove the middle of the lid. Cut it out using a utility knife. Pin the edges of the bag to its outer rim. This ensures it’s always in a proper position to receive garbage.
3) Use Citrus to Get Rid of Bad Smell in Your Disposer
Rotten food particles are the usual culprits that bring a bad smell to your disposer. To solve this problem, use running tap water at half throttle. As the water runs the disposer, put in lemon or orange peels. The peels contain citric acid. This is effective at neutralizing the bad smell due to bacteria. Give it 15 minutes to do its job. Dropping in some ice cubes as the water runs is also a good idea. The pieces of ice shards can act as sandblasters inside the disposer. You can then rinse by running the water until the bowl is half full. Pull the plug and turn on the disposer to get rid of all the water.
4) Get Rid of Lint Buildup Using a Paint Stick
Your dryer’s lint trap is meant to catch debris through its shielding screen. However, this doesn’t always happen, meaning some dirt gets through and builds up over time. Get a paint stick with a clean rag wrapped around it and use it to clean the debris buildup.
5) Use an Electric Toothbrush to Clean Stubborn Grime
A cheap electric toothbrush can do wonders for the sparkle of your shiny surfaces that are now covered in grime. Use it to scrub off stubborn dirt and stains around the showerhead, the sink faucets, and other hard-to-reach areas.
6) Break Up Hard-Water Buildup
Lemon is very useful, in addition to removing food particles from your microwave. You can use it to get rid of hard-water buildup around the inner edges of your faucet. To utilize this simple, natural solution, place a half lemon slice to cover the faucet opening. Secure the lemon piece in place and leave it there for a few hours. The lemon will have eaten away the hard-water buildup by then.
7) Cut Grease Using a Hot Rag
Oily spots on your kitchen cabinet can detract from its shiny appearance. To get rid of the greasy spots, get a damp piece of cloth and heat it in the oven for about 30 seconds. Once it’s hot enough, spray the kitchen cabinet and any such surfaces with an all-purpose cleaning solution, ideally one that contains orange oil. Use the hot piece of cloth to wipe the surface clean. If the stains are tough, leave the cleaning solution spray in place for about five minutes before wiping the surface.
8) Clean Up Glass Shards Quickly
Anyone that’s ever dealt with broken glass knows the inconvenience (and danger) involved if things go wrong. You don’t want a shard of glass up your foot or palm. To clean them more efficiently, turn off the overhead lights as soon as you suspect broken glass in a room. Use a flashlight to scan the floor, directing the light at a very low angle. The glass shards will light up and glisten, making it easier to identify and clean them off the floor.
9) Newspaper and Charcoal for Your Smelly Fridge
A stinky fridge can be off-putting and a potential health hazard. You can use charcoal pieces to deal with the smell. Break a few pieces of charcoal lumps, ensuring that they’re in small pieces. Spread them on trays. Put one tray in your freezer and the other in the fridge. Get many newspaper pages and crunch them up. Put the crumpled newspaper pieces on the fridge shelves and then close up the fridge. Give it a few hours. If done daily, it is very effective at absorbing the bad smell from your fridge.
10) Buy a Soap Dispenser Dish Brush
Dish soap is excellent for keeping your bathroom surfaces cleaned and sparkling. A soap dispenser dish brush makes this easier. Mark it clearly for bathroom use, ensuring that it doesn’t get repurposed for other things around the house.
11) Use Synthetic Soap for Better Cleaning
Most soaps are gel forms or bar soaps dissolved in water, sometimes with other cleaning ingredients. Synthetic soaps, unlike regular ones, don’t contain fat and lye. Regular soaps usually form lather with great difficulty. Synthetic soaps were designed to overcome this shortcoming. Use synthetic soaps for more efficient cleaning around the house, ensuring that your sink surfaces or tub don’t develop ugly scum layers.
12) Avoid Furniture Polish as Much as Possible
Furniture polish is great for those times when you need to add sparkle to the tables and sofas. However, it’s advisable to only use them sparingly, preferably once or twice per year. Most other times, a dry piece of microfiber cloth will suffice, ensuring that your furniture stays less dusty most of the time.
13) Combine Cleaning Tasks
This is a great strategy for getting more done in less time. For example, when cleaning the floors, you can take care of the baseboards at the same time. If you’re cleaning the window blinds, the panes and sill can also be dusted. This helps you become more efficient and reduces the time needed for overall cleaning.
14) Use Magic Erasers for Tough Stains
The material from which magic erasers are made is similar to that used for soundproofing walls and other surfaces. It is great at taking in stains. You can use it to break up soap cum on bathroom surfaces, tough stains on your kitchen tiles, or messy toothpaste grime on your vanity top. As long as the magic eraser is damp it should get rid of most such stains without much effort.
15) Use a Tennis Ball for Scuff Marks
This odd trick can be very helpful if you’ve got a surface that’s experiencing regular scuffs due to heavy foot traffic. Even places like kitchen surfaces where palettes can leave ugly scuff marks when being used to move heavy loads. A dry tennis ball can be used to rub off those marks, especially on vinyl floors.