One of the best yet rarely used firms is a multi-practice law firm. This is a complicated area of law, especially for clients but once understood it’s very advantageous. A multi-practice law firm is a collaboration of different specialized lawyers in diverse areas who come together and join their expertise to get the best outcome for their clients. They are in most cases housed under one building or roof for the convenience of their clients. Its operational design is kind of identical to that of a hospital, where you find that different doctors are available to serve patients with different needs and at the end of the day patients come out at their best within a short period.
Multi-practice law firms deal with diverse issues which include but are not limited to, personal injury, criminal defense, family cases, real estate cases, etc. each of the above cases has different sub areas which are uniquely handled by specific lawyers with expertise in those areas. The major benefits of hiring a multi-practice law firm are as follows;
The biggest need for most clients is to have their cases solved in the best way possible and save money as well. Cost is the biggest fear for any client, either one with a single case or multiple cases. Theories have it wrong that hiring a multi-practice law firm is expensive. This makes clients look for private or single firms to solve their diverse cases. At the end of the day, their cases end up in court, stay too long, spend more money, and in the worst cases end up the opposite of what they had hoped for. Why? This is because privately-owned law firms have no specialized expertise and, in most scenarios, prolong cases to get the best profit out of it. Remember the more your cases stay unsolved the more money you spend.
A multi-practice law firm on the other hand works differently. It is designed like a system whose work is to ensure full if not all benefits that come with it. They work on fees based on contingency, meaning unless you win your case, they don’t get paid. This brings a win-win scenario for both you and the firm and saves costs through the process. Due to the systematic operation of multi-practice law firms, clients are saved from paying up-front fees, making them able to fund their cases efficiently to the end. These firms help you avoid going to court at all costs which in turn saves you money on court proceedings. Unless all the available strategies applied have failed, then you are due to proceed to court but still, make sure that the interest of the client is highly prioritized.
Saves time from the beginning to the end of the process.
From the beginning of your journey, looking to solve your legal issues, you do not want to jump from one street to the other to make ends meet. A multi-practice law firm is the best option for you. This is because they are housed in a confined area of very close proximity for your convenience. This makes coordination and communication easier between clients and respective lawyers, and between one lawyer and the other, either from the different or same field of expertise.
For clients dealing with single cases, some opt to have more than one lawyer in that specific field to be able to get the best outcome of the case. In this case, a client may want lawyers A, B, and C for example, to deal with that same issue as a team. The client is going to save time by accessing these lawyers who are just along the hallway, compared to fetching lawyers who are miles away from each other, making him or her spend too much time coordinating. At the end of it, time will be saved not only fetching these lawyers together but also the time used to solve the case will be highly reduced with the best outcome out of it.
For clients with diverse cases, let’s say, a family having a family case and still want their property acquisition as spouses neutralized, definitely wants to opt for a multi-practice law firm. The firm allows them to get the best possible benefit out of it in a short period because each case will differently be handled by specific lawyers for those areas. This saves them time as compared to if they hired a single lawyer in a private firm who ends up spending more time to solve because he or she doesn’t have expertise on one case compared to the other, and also the process gets complex for the lawyer to navigate through easily.
High chances of getting the best deal, outcome, or compensation.
In circumstances where your case has to go to court, court proceedings can be tedious when you decide to handle them alone. A multi-practice law firm is your best option because lawyers in these firms are experienced enough to deal with court proceedings and in most circumstances are aware of the best outcome, making you a good deal at court.
In cases of personal injury where compensation is at the table, the firm will help you get the best compensation out of it, on both your end and theirs, as compared to when a private lawyer from a private firm who deals with general issues could get you.
Multi-practice law firms understand your case deeply from the initial stage, which is key to winning your case, to the final stage, making your hopeful outcome their utmost priority. This is so because decisions made throughout the process of your case are based on several inputs from different lawyers and not on one single lawyer.
As multi-practice law firms strictly deal with specialized lawyers who have the best experience, the best outcome, deal or compensation is what you are highly likely to get. No frustrations whatsoever are you to expect when dealing with a multi-practice law firm.