Due to the fact that a large number of housewives and creative people use social networks, the handmade format is still popular on Instagram. Sometimes it may seem that this is not relevant for a long time, because now we can cheaply order anything in an online store and not make anything by hand. But it’s not that simple. In this article, you will find out if it is worth starting a handmade blog.
Why is handmade so relevant?
Despite the fact that we now have access to thousands of stores in different price segments, many people still prefer to make something with their own hands. That is why the audience often needs educational posts and videos in which someone talks about the process of creating clothes or something else. Oftentimes, handmade account owners don’t even need to buy Instagram likes, because their posts are liked by users without outside help.
As a rule, people are interested in several handmade topics. Firstly, it is the sewing of clothes. In the modern world, clothes have become very often very expensive indeed, especially if they are made from quality materials. Consequently, there is a great demand for training in self-made clothing. Secondly, these are options for decorating your home with homemade accessories. It adds a cozy atmosphere to the house because people remember how they created these objects. Finally, thirdly, these are toys, clothes and other things for children. Young mothers quite often spend a lot of time at home with their child and they like to do needlework. If you plan to develop your blog and link it to one of these topics, then you don’t have to buy real Instagram likes because people will find you themselves.
How to start developing your blog?
If you decide to start your own handmade blog, then you should first of all share it with your friends. Probably, many of them will be interested in the subject of your account and they will follow new posts and recommend you to their friends.
Also, don’t forget to design your account nicely. You should make a nice profile header, which will contain brief information about your activities. In bio, you can leave a link to a site with your work if you plan to sell what you do with your own hands. We also recommend that you make highlights with a selection of interesting videos about the process of creating any things.
When writing posts, keep in mind that you need to put relevant hashtags and make the text interesting and exciting. In order for subscribers to pay attention to the post immediately, you should attach a beautiful picture. For this, it is advisable to master the skills of working in Photoshop or invite a designer to cooperate. If you want your subscribers not to miss any of your posts, then be sure to post a Story with a link to each post. On Instagram, Stories are now one of the most important things.
We hope that you are now confident that you should try creating your own handmade account. You will succeed!