Several kinds of leading enterprises believe that utilising Whatfix is a very good idea because it is capable of delivering better returns and helps in providing a good amount of consumer support in comparison to other options. But due to implementation of the digital adoption platform, the organisations also need to have proper access to a comprehensive strategy which will further include different kinds of WalkMe alternative throughout the process.
Some of the top WalkMe alternatives are explained as follows:
There will be two main types of WalkMe alternatives one will be hosted and the other one will be the open-source platform. The hosted solutions will normally require no coding on the behalf of people and in this particular case, the people will be leasing out the software and will be integrating it into the application. On the other hand, the open-source platforms will be much more customisable as well as less expensive and will require coding skills along with different other kinds of features.
Following are some of the most important alternatives of the WalkMe:
- Whatfix: This particular application for the platform is very much capable of integrating the application seamlessly with the existing things and helps in providing the much contextualised walk-through along with self-help materials which are very much relevant to the overall roles of the users and helps in making sure that they will be able to fulfil their overall applications.
- Pendo:This concept is very much successful in terms of offering the on boarding walk-through and helps in providing them with a complete ability to collect the feedback into the application which has been specifically designed with the motive of helping out the product managers to help them understand the usage of the product. There is no need for any kind of usage or coding into this particular concept and the installation will never require any kind of technical background throughout the process which makes this particular option highly popular across the people in this particular industry.
- Appcues: This particular option is a native looking integration that will help in making sure that users will be having a very consistent experience no matter where they will be into the application but the best part to be taken into consideration in the whole process is the guidance which is mainly limited to the on boarding rather than going out for training and adoption.
- Userlane:This platform will always help in making sure that organisations will be able to indulge in direct messaging to the users so that they can ensure a good amount of support and collection of feedback into the applications without any kind of hassle.
- Nickelled: This particular platform will also help in providing the guided product tour to work the customers through the different parts of the software and will help in ensuring that overall purposes will be very efficiently and effectively achieved without any kind of hassle.
- Inline Manual: This platform will always allow the individuals to group the users depending upon behaviour and send the targeted messages by the group. Snippet code is required for set up but after this, there will be no need for any kind of coding once the installation will be completed.
Whatfix is one of the most important WalkMe alternatives and both of these are the digital adoption platforms that have been specifically designed with the motive of helping out the employees and consumers throughout the application so that end-user adoption has been significantly increased. With the help of the right kind of use, the individuals can embed every step perfectly throughout the walk-through and the best part is that it will also help in integrating the existing knowledge base articles so that one can very easily find them into the application with the help of self-help menu. Both of these platforms helps in providing top-notch quality analytics to see how the consumer will reply will be interacting with the application and the best part is that as the individuals will dig deeper they will be having a clear-cut idea about different kinds of WalkMe alternatives as well. Hence, depending upon the above-mentioned alternatives is a good idea for the organisations to ensure the right digital adoption.