Another patch, another amazing character addition to Honkai: Star Rail. This time, it’s a character that’s generated some of the most hype in a while – Acheron Honkai Star Rail. To be fair, she is a badass lady who wields a katana with a badass design, and she’s a DPS – what’s not to like? But her archetype isn’t the only thing that’s good about her – Acheron Honkai Star Rail kit is fundamentally broken on a different level compared to other characters, although you do need to keep a few things in mind when building her. You can use Star Rail top up services to ensure getting this monstrosity of a DPS!
Honkai Star Rail Acheron Kit and Overview of What She Does
So, Acheron Honkai Star Rail is pretty unique in that she has a mechanic that enables her to deal damage to Toughness no matter what element the enemy’s weakness is, making her a good choice for any situation.
There is a condition to keep in mind – you can only use her ultimate when she reaches 9 stacks of Slashed Dream, and she doesn’t use regular “Energy” for her Ultimate as all of the other characters do. There are multiple ways to reach the required number of Slashed Dream stacks, but the main way is to inflict debuffs on the enemies with your other characters.
So, in order to use that “overpowered” ability of hers to do damage to Toughness bars regardless of the enemy’s elemental weakness, you’ll need to build a proper team around it. This isn’t to say that characters similar to her don’t already exist, such as Dr. Ratio who depends on your allies inflicting debuffs on the enemy, similar to Raiden Shogun… err, Honkai Star Rail Acheron (They don’t look similar at all!).
Acheron’s Talent and Ultimate
These are the stars of the show since this is what enables her to be overpowered. Not only does she not require any Energy Recharge stats because of how her talent works with her Ultimate, but it also decreases ALL-Resistance of enemies by 20% at level 10. That’s a straight-up 20% multiplicative damage boost to your whole team and herself.
Every time an ally inflicts a debuff on an enemy through their abilities, this enemy will gain a stack of Crimson Knot and Acheron will gain a stack of Slashed Dream. As we mentioned previously, Slashed Dream stacks are for using her ultimate – but what do Crimson Knots do? Well, when she uses her Ultimate, Crimson Knots enhance the damage of her ultimate further, dealing 24% of her ATK as damage to a single enemy while removing up to three stacks of Crimson Knot. But wait, that’s not all – every stack after the initial three deal additional damage that stacks, so if you have 9 Crimson Knot stacks on an enemy, here’s how the damage calculations work:
1st Hit/3 Stacks = 24% ATK to single target
2nd Hit/4 Stacks = 15% ATK to all targets
3rd Hit/5 Stacks = 30% ATK to all targets
4th Hit/6 Stacks = 45% ATK to all targets
5th Hit/7 Stacks = 60% ATK to all targets
6th Hit/8 Stacks = 60% ATK to all targets
7th Hit/9 Stacks = 60% ATK to all targets
When we add all of that up, that ends up being 294% Additional damage to her already insanely bursty Ultimate. And, on top of all of that – she shreds enemy res by 20%, as we’ve already mentioned.
Acheron’s Skill and Basic Attack
These are barely worth mentioning other than the fact they both have great animations, but that can be said for most characters and abilities in Honkai Star Rail.
Her skill does give her a stack of Slashed Dream, so there’s that.
Acheron’s Best Teams
Since she heavily, and we mean HEAVILY depends on her team’s ability to inflict debuffs on the enemy, she can be a bit expensive to build if you don’t have any Nihility characters. This is one of the best, if not THE best team for Acheron.
- Acheron – Since her whole kit is based around her ultimate, and her ultimate is heavily dependant on inflicting debuffs and crimson knot stacks, we’ll be building around that
- Pela – Her skill can reduce DEF of your enemies, which counts as a debuff and grants stacks of SD and CK (Slashed Dream and Crimson Knot).
- Guinafen – After the burn damage portion of her basic attack/skill/ultimate – she inflicts a debuff that increases the damage taken of enemies inflicted by it. This obviously counts as a debuff and grants stacks of SD and CK.
- Gallagher – The handsome Bartender that was added with Acheron and he’s going to act as our healer who buffs the Break DMG on enemies and reduces enemies’ ATK which, again, counts as a debuff for Acheron’s SD and CK stacks.
Acheron’s Stats, Lightcones, and Artifacts
Just slam every DPS stat you can on her, and you’ll be good. Crit Rate/DMG, ATK%, Lightning% are the main stats you’re looking for on your Artifacts.
Her signature Lightcone, Along The Passing Shore, will obviously be her best one since these are always made with the intention to synergize with their characters as best as they possibly can, but Good Night and Sleep Well can be a decent 4-star substitute.
As for the artifact set that’s best for her – Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters (4PC) is going to be her BiS (Best in Slot), but if you don’t have it with good stats, don’t fret. Using something like 2PC Izumo and 2PC Salsotto is decent, and if you don’t have even those – just slam all the good pieces you have with the main stats mentioned above, and you’re good to go.
Acheron is a great DPS and one of the strongest units in the game, but much like Cyno, Xiao, and Itto in Genshin Impact – she is HEAVILY dependant on her team to buff her. Her main stats can be pretty expensive to pursue as well, but if built well, she outshines most characters in the game.
If you’re a new player, you should consider buying Honkai Star Rail accounts that have 200+ pulls on them ready for you to use, as they might allow you to get lucky and get Acheron at E2, which makes her quite a bit more powerful.