Smoking has become sophisticated as there are new ways that you can get your marijuana or tobacco into your system being invented every new day. It is now a familiar case to see most smokers using bongs rather than the traditional smoking habits like rolling blunts. While bongs could be ideal as they go easy on your lungs and take a shorter time before kicking in the effect, proper maintenance is necessary if you are to continue enjoying its use.
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Cleaning a bong might look easy from a distance however the case is different when you start doing it. Choosing the right type of cleaning agents and knowing how to scrub the insides can help you get rid of the brown stains that might start to surface on your bong. To enjoy an easy time cleaning your bong, consider purchasing top quality bongs and bubblers which can serve you for a long time without demanding a lot when it comes to maintenance. Consider the following tips discussed below when looking for ways that you can improve your bong hygiene and aesthetic appeal.
Purchase a good scrubber
Once you buy your bong, you should also go ahead to purchase a fitting scrubber from the market. The silicon flexible brush is the most recommended option for many as it can fit into various bong mouths depending on the size you want. After using cleaning solutions and abrasive agents, you will only have managed to get past the fast layer of dirt that was stuck on the walls. The best way forward is using this silicon brush to access the various parts of the bong and scrub the stubborn stains off. Without the right scrubbing, your bong may begin to develop permanent stains that might affect its aesthetic appeal and ultimately its quality.
Use cheesecloth
Alcohol is a commonly used cleaning agent for bongs and other household items. When cleaning your smoking bong with rubbing alcohol be sure to use it sparingly by using cheesecloth to pour back used rubbing alcohol to the bong the next time you want to clean it. This will prevent the particles from last cleaning session from making their way back to the bong once more. You can also use the boiling water method with cheesecloth to use it in the place of the cap and also make it easy to collect resin from the cleaning session.
Seal it with plugs
During bong cleaning session, the cleaning solution in it will contain abrasive agents, rubbing alcohol and other cleaning liquids you prefer. Shaking is therefore necessary to create the right kind of abrasion to rid the bong insides of any stains and marks. Using plugs and caps that are made for the bong will help you enjoy faster cleaning due to the tight seal it creates. It is also very instrumental in case you are transporting your bong and would love to give it the best support possible. Lastly, you need plugs and caps to store your bong in a reasonable manner as it is held tightly in position mitigating any accidents.
Right abrasive agent
Depending on the frequency of using your bong and the type of bong you have, stains could easily be permanent especially if you are not keen on cleaning. To get rid of the sticky stains on the wall of your bong, an abrasive agent might the trick you are looking for. Using course sea salt will help you manage to do this with ease it works best when mixed with rubbing alcohol to scrub the insides of the bong. At this stage, you need a good scrubber to help you clean once the solution becomes tinted brown in the bong. You should not forget to cushion your bong with plugs in case you are shaking it when cleaning.
Rub with alcohol when cleaning
A lot of bong users will agree that rubbing alcohol remains one of the most effective hacks of giving your bong that new look once more. You can check out a variety of rubbing alcohol online and in stores near you to give your bong the rinsing it needs. This cleaning agent can however be unpleasant to many due to the after taste left after cleaning which is the reason you need to try and rinse thoroughly to rid the bong of any stains. When choosing which rubbing alcohol to use, find the ones that have more than 91% purity otherwise it may not be as effective as you wish it to be.
Dishwasher tablets can do
If you have cleaned your dishwasher before, then you know that the tablets used have more diverse uses for cleaning other than just the dishwasher. Most people consider these tablets to help with cleaning their bongs during the regular cleaning sessions they do. You should put in the bong when cleaning then add warm or hot water to it and allow the tablets to dissolve. You should increase temperature of the solution especially if the bon is cold. For people with silicon bongs, washing them in a dishwasher is also as efficient as cleaning it on your own.
Buy high quality bong
The truth is that the market has all type of bongs and bubblers that you may need including the copycat ones. You should be able to discern the right design according to your budget and needs in order to get value for your money. To make the right choice means getting an easy to clean but functional and aesthetically appealing bong that you will appreciate having. Remember it is easier for poor quality bongs to be stained easily and this can also be determined by the type of material that your bong is made with. The best bong option includes the ones made from glass blunt among other quality materials.