Are you looking for a criminal lawyer to represent you? You shouldn’t gamble your future with any lawyer. Skipping this crucial part might leave you with a lawyer who has a tainted history and a bad reputation. The result is a bungled case that you could have easily won if you had a good lawyer. Instead, do proper due diligence, including checking their case history. You will learn a lot from doing so, which can help you make an informed decision. Some of the things you will learn include:
1. Knowledge of Criminal Law
Criminal law is wide with different offenses such as drug charges, murder, theft, white color crimes, and environmental crimes. It also encompasses different legal principles such as mental state, intent, and the principle of legality, besides varying among jurisdictions. Checking history, such as dwi crime cases, is essential as it will help you determine if the attorney is knowledgeable in that area of criminal justice. Most reputable criminal lawyers publish the information on their website but asking for it if you can’t find it will still be best.
2. Winning Strategy the Lawyer Uses
Attornies deploy different strategies such as mounting a strong defense, questioning witnesses’ credibility, using expert witnesses, plea bargains or attacking the evidence tabled by the prosecution team. Others go for the self-defence argument, while others use the entrapment defence or push for federal detention hearing. If a government agent induced you to commit the crime, you are charged with it. Depending on the crime you are facing, reviewing the case history will show you the strategy each criminal lawyer uses and its success rate.
3. Experience with Similar Cases
You need the most experienced criminal lawyer in your defense when charged with any offense. However, the lawyer only mentioning years of practice won’t give you the full picture of their experience. This is where the case history comes in. From the cases, you will learn how many similar cases the attorney you intend to hire have handled and their outcomes. It’d be best to select a criminal lawyer with a deep understanding of the criminal justice system who has won most similar cases.
4. Reputation
Some criminal lawyers aren’t aggressive and won’t be able to provide the level of representation you need to win your case. Knowing this from reviews can be challenging because most only publish positive testimonials. However, checking the case history can tell you about a lawyer’s reputation and the extent to which they can win your case. You will learn how the lawyer got similar charges you are facing dropped or won the case after dissecting the prosecution’s evidence.
5. Trust
You will learn if you can trust them with your case by reviewing the history of their litigations, such as dwi crime cases. You will know if you provide full information when facing DWI charges, the attorney will use it to ensure that you are found not guilty, or the case is dropped. With a high trust level, you will be comfortable discussing the details of your case to build a strong defense.
Criminal cases like DWI have life-changing consequences such as jail time, hefty fines, criminal records, or losing driving privileges. If charged, you should find the best criminal attorney to represent you. Unfortunately, you can’t tell such lawyers from merely reviewing their qualifications and reviews without checking the history of their criminal cases.